Últimos registros ingresados en BDENF | Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Enfermería Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Enfermería

Resultados: 11

Meaning of life as perceived by nurses at work in oncology palliative care: a phenomenological study

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the meaning of life as perceived by nurses at work in oncology palliative care. Method: This is a qualitative study, with a phenomenological approach, based on the theoretical-philosophical framework by Viktor Emil Frankl. It was developed with nurses in a unit special...

Suffering among patients with cancer undergoing neurotoxic chemotherapy: a phenomenological approach

ABSTRACT Objective: reveal experiences of cancer patients undergoing neurotoxic chemotherapy. Method: phenomenology-based, qualitative study, carried out with nine adult patients in antineoplastic neurotoxic treatment, interviewed in June and July 2018. The testimonies were analyzed using an empirical ...

Spirituality and meaning of life in nursing education: report of experience in teaching

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: To report the experience in teaching internship in the elective discipline "Spirituality in the Health Field" of the curriculum of the graduation course in Nursing of Universidade Federal Fluminense. Methods: This is a case report with descriptive-reflexive approach of the class "t...

A violência obstétrica no contexto do parto e nascimento

Objetivo: analisar as práticas consideradas violentas na atenção obstétrica. Método: revisão integrativa, com coleta de dados nas bases de dados Web of Science, CINAHL, Scopus, MEDLINE, LILACS e a biblioteca virtual SciELO, com artigos dos últimos cinco anos, em idioma inglês, espanhol e portuguÃ...

A puérpera internada frente à prevenção da gravidez: possibilidades e limites da enfermagem

Objetivo: analisar a percepção da puérpera em relação ao planejamento reprodutivo. Método: estudo exploratório-descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, realizada na Maternidade do Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro/RJ. Foram entrevistadas 15 puérperas no Alojamento conjunto, por intermédio d...

Os saberes das mulheres acerca das diferentes posições de parir: uma contribuição para o cuidar

Objetivo: analisar o significado dos saberes das mulheres o qual atribuem às possibilidades de se optar poruma posição alternativa de parto. Método: estudo exploratório e descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa,realizada com dez gestantes inscritas no Programa de Pré-natal de uma Policlínica de Nite...

Cuidado de enfermagem às puérperas soropositivas para o HIV diante da impossibilidade de amamentação natural

Objectives: to know the expertise of nurses in caring for postpartum women seropositive for HIV on breastfeeding; identify the interaction of nurses with women with HIV about the impossibility of breastfeeding. Method: this was a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative in nature, with twenty-three wom...

A preocupação das mulheres primíparas em relação ao trabalho de parto e parto

Objective: Recognizing the concerns of primiparous women about labor and birth, the nurse identifyactions to mitigating the feelings of women. Method: this was a descriptive, exploratory research, qualitative in nature, with six primiparous women rooming at the University Hospital Antonio Pedro through s...

Alojamento conjunto em um hospital universitário: depressão pós-parto na perspectiva do enfermeiro

Objective: knowing the nurses' understanding from the accommodation-set about postpartum depression; and identify the perception of these nurses related to importance of guidelines for postpartum depression to puerperal women. Method: this is a descriptive, exploratory research, of qualitative approach, ...

O comportamento expresso pela parturiente durante o trabalho de parto: reflexos da assistência do pré-natal

Objective: identifying, through the view of women, the influence of the guidance received prenatal care in their own attitudes during labor and birth; pointing, according to the vision of the woman's own attitudes during birth labor and birth; investigate whether these attitudes were influenced by the gu...